Pictures from our Veterans Day assembly! #WildcatTraditionPrideExcellence

Thank you @KDFIREDUP (Kevin Daniels) for your guidance and leadership on our CSIP! Great work tonight!

Our team is working hard on the Continuous School Improvement Plan!

Our counselors are working together at Counselor Conference today!

The Benton County Elks Lodge donated dictionaries to each 3rd grade student at North. students and teachers were grateful for this resource!

North 3rd-5th grade students of the month for October.

Kindergarten-2nd grade students of the month for October.

Mrs. Harris' 4th grade class has been working hard to meet Math Evaluate goals-- raising our scores by 5%. The class far exceeded this goal! Congratulations on their hard earned slushy! Every student in class met their goal.

Our 5th grade students who had excellent behavior all month and also met their reading goals were able to participate in fun Friday!! We made a fun Halloween drink 🎃

Kindergarten and First graders enjoy a guest reader and a free book from the First United Methodist Church every month! This month’s book was Chrysanthemum. We are so thankful for a wonderful program that puts books in our students homes.

Due to predicted weather forecast and safety of everyone involved, we will be moving our Varsity District Football Game vs Fair Grove to Saturday, Nov. 5th, at 2pm.

Great night with our CSIP committee. There were some great conversations about our school district tonight!
Thank you, Kevin Daniels (@KDFIREDUP), for the guidance. Looking forward to tomorrow night!

Reminder that we will have Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 24th. The conferences will go from 12pm to 7pm.

Bus Z is having some issues and will be running late tonight, 10/14.

More pictures of our HS athletes reading!

More pictures of our HS athletes reading!

High School Athletes went to elementary schools today and read to the students!

Please use the link to read the letter about school closings due to inclement weather: https://5il.co/1jbyj

Today the city of Warsaw officially opened the new play equipment at Drake Harbor. Our students of the month were invited to be the first kids to experience it! It was an honor to be asked and we're proud of our students and community!

Lockdown drill has been completed. Overall the drill went well!