We will have our district wide lock down drill today, 10/11, at 9am. We will send out an alert when the drill has been completed.
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
Thank you to everyone that has completed the survey so far. If you have not completed the survey yet, then please do so use the link below:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRZ6Uz9acoDJwRTaSq4Pd3YZFSQazuSVzG1GcChfQlPDwESw/viewform The survey will close on Oct. 14th.
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
Students at North participate in peer tutoring organized ny our Title department. Each morning before the announcements an older student and a younger student pair up to practice skills together.
over 2 years ago, Shannon Deckard
Peer tutoring
Peer tutoring
Peer tutoring
Students from North and South Elementary schools visited WHS for presentations by FFA students and to learn about ag safety. It was a great day to be learning outdoors! #wildcattraditionprideexcellence
over 2 years ago, Shannon Deckard
A young calf entertains students.
Students listen to FFA exhibits.
Students view a young calf.
Students learn about plants.
Please use link to see letter from Superintendent about school attendance: https://5il.co/1iytj
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
Wildcat Family, We are needing your feedback to help guide the CSIP work. Please use the link below to give us the feedback. Let me know if you have any questions or issues. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRZ6Uz9acoDJwRTaSq4Pd3YZFSQazuSVzG1GcChfQlPDwESw/viewform
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
Reminder that Bus Routes changes to BUS A, C, F, I, and L start tomorrow, 10/4. Please see letter for more information: https://5il.co/1ihlp
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
bus information
More pictures from parade! #WildcatTraditionPrideExecellence
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
More pictures from parade! #WildcatTraditionPrideExecellence
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
More pictures from parade! #WildcatTraditionPrideExecellence
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
Thank you to everyone that helped organize the homecoming parade! Thank you to all that participated as well! #WildcatTraditionPrideExcellence
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
Tomorrow afternoon North students will attend the homecoming parade downtown. Following the parade we'll return to school and dismiss as usual. Go Wildcats!!
over 2 years ago, Shannon Deckard
There are rumors going around about active shooter at our school district. That information is false. There was a situation that was handled by high school principal yesterday, and the issue was resolved. Everyone at the school is safe!
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
Sorry about the confusion on Newman's and Maples-Ford drop-off. Bus F will be doing those drop-offs in the afternoon starting October 4th. Please see revised letter: https://5il.co/1ihlp
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
Congratulations to Tim Snider for being awarded the Master Building Technician Seal at the MSPMA conference in Branson! Great job Tim and way to represent Warsaw School District. Keep up the great work! #WildcatTraditionPrideExcellence
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
award for Tim
award for Tim
award for Tim
award for Tim
Thank you, Dr. Berry, for attending our new teacher dinner and giving us an inspirational speech. Thank you for your dedication to the Warsaw School District! #WildcatTraditionPrideExcellence
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes
New Teacher Dinner
North School had their first assembly today! They had a special guest, The Wildcat! #WildcatTraditionPrideExcellence
over 2 years ago, Warsaw R-IX School District
North Assembly
North Assembly
North Assembly
North Assembly
Please join us at North Elementary for a Title One night next Thursday, Sept 8. We'll have pizza and presentations by our teachers. We'll discuss strategies for assisting your child in becoming a successful learner! Pizza begins at 5:30 and the evening will conclude at 7:00.
over 2 years ago, Shannon Deckard
Pizza Night
Warsaw School district is looking for paraprofessionals in multiple buildings. Please apply online at www.warsawk12.org
over 2 years ago, Shannon Deckard
Paraprofessional Advertisement
Saturday's game on 8/27 vs KC Central has been canceled. KC Central does not have enough eligible players (per MSHSAA mandatory 14 practices) to participate in Saturday's game. We are currently trying to find an opponent, but with it being Week 1 this is very difficult.
over 2 years ago, Scott Gemes